Ohio Avenue Streetscape – Gunnison

As we proceed with the public process for the City of Gunnison and Western State Colorado University, ALC is asking the public to provide input on the street design for Ohio Avenue between the University and Main Street. We would like to ask the community to participate outside the public meetings with the following links:

Street with the 100′ ROW (typical conditions): https://streetmix.net/JO_Urbanist/7/ohio-avenue-existing

Street with the 54′ Distance between curbs (typical conditions): https://streetmix.net/JO_Urbanist/10/ohio-avenue-existing-curb-to-curb

Please publicly share your streetscape designs on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag, #OhioAve AND email them to John and/or Jeff at Altitude Land Consultants.


Instructions for creating a Streetmix:
Step 1. Click on the link for either a 54’ wide street (Ohio Avenue’s existing road width from curb to curb) or the link for 100’ ROW (Right of Way) if you would like to experiment with street configurations for the full City-owned ROW
Step 2. At the bottom of the screen are several options to design your great street. You can click on a design feature and drag to the street level to add an amenity you think would improve Ohio Avenue. If necessary, use the “undo” or “redo” option to make corrections to your design.
*Please note that you do not have to add any new features to the street if you don’t think they would improve Ohio Avenue.
Step 3. To change the design or width of a feature, place cursor on the feature and click the “+” or “-“ symbol to increase or decrease the width of that feature. Some features you might want to experiment with include:
  • Sidewalks
  • Parking Lanes
  • Drive Lanes
  • Bike Lanes
  • Planting Strips
  • Lamps
  • Signs
  • Benches
Step 4. When finished, click on “Share” at the top right of the screen and “save as an image”. Click the box “Segment names and widths” and “Street name” and save the image to your computer.  Then please email the image to jeff@altitudelandco.com
Additional Points to Consider:
  • By law, fire truck and emergency vehicle access requires a combined drive lane width of 20’ (ie, 10’ lanes in each direction).
  • If you experiment with the 100’ ROW street section, changes outside of the existing 54’ roadway width will likely require removing some (or all) of the existing trees along Ohio Avenue.
  • You can create as many street sections as you like.  Please don’t feel limited to making just one option!