Karl will tell you, if he hasn’t already, that it was his disdain for surveyors not knowing what they were doing as it relates to civil engineering, that made him become one himself. We now have a surveying team of four kick-a$$ surveyors getting it done, and done right, for our team!
What type of Survey do you need?
Confusion often arises about the type of survey that is necessary. Unless you are creating the surveys, this can be a confusing topic. We’ll try to clear it up for you.
IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) – Basic drawing that shows general location of existing improvements relative to property boundary, however, this is not a boundary survey . Depending on size of lot, size of structure(s), existing property corner evidence. Turn around in 48 hours – most completed within 24 hours.
An ILC is not a boundary survey and is essentially the simplest form of a survey that can be provided for a property. Although an ILC does show existing improvements on the subject site, it should not relied upon for establishing fence lines, setbacks, building envelopes, etc.
LAND SURVEY PLAT (LSP) – Also known as a boundary survey. Utilized to determine boundary lines and corners, determine encroachments, and/or construct new improvements on your property, etc.
IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT (ISP) – Basically an LSP with some additional information regarding existing observable improvements such as streets, curb & gutter, sidewalks, dry utilities, wet utilities, etc. Can also include easements of record and topography if the client so desires. Utilized for more extensive proposed improvements and as a base for design services.
ALTA / ACSM SURVEY – Pretty much a cafeteria style survey where the client can pick items from an Optional Table A and create his own survey for specific purposes. The base required portion of any ALTA definitely meets the requirements of an LSP and includes some of the elements of an ISP and includes record Title research of easements and encumbrances to the property. Table A consists of 16 additional options that can be shown depending the goals of the project, requirements of the lender, etc.
As always, with additional questions, please contact Karl Franklin in our office. [email protected]